The Heath Surgery Tel: 01522 516870


Our Primary Care Network "South Lincoln Healthcare" are in need of Volunteers, to help in the carpark and waiting room at the COVID Vaccine Clinics in Waddington.

Volunteers will help free up some of our team, enabling them to contact patients for their Covid Vaccine and continue working on routine work.

If you would like to add your name to the volunteer list, please do so by clicking on and adding your name, telephone number and "Happy to Volunteer" in the body of the message.

Covid Vaccine Clinics

We continue to work alongside our colleagues from the South Lincoln Healthcare Primary Care Network to administer the Covid Vaccines which are allocated and delivered to us, from the National Hub.

Whilst our teams are working extremely hard to get patients booked and vaccinated, there appears to be some confusion created which is out of our control:

You may have heard in the media that the Government has announced that patients over the age of 70 will start to be invited for their vaccination from this week. Whilst this might be true for mass vaccination sites, GP Surgeries are also trying to keep on top of routine work and not only vaccinating. Furthermore we have not been supplied with enough vaccines to enable us to target patients, which have been mentioned in the media.

We have also been informed by a small number of patients, who have received an invitation from one of the other sources below to attend for their vaccine, some as far as York. These invites are computer generated centrally and cannot determine if you already have an appointment booked through your own surgery.

Our aim has not changed “we will safely administer the vaccines as quickly as they can be delivered”

The Lincolnshire Poacher Study

We are currently looking to recruit patients who can take part in The Lincolnshire Poacher Study.

If you see one of our clinicians for IBS / Diarrhoea / Gut Trouble, they may offer to refer you for the study.

The Lincolnshire Poacher Study